20 shocking internal communication statistics

Internal Comms

Ben Waugh
by Ben Waugh
20 shocking internal communication statistics

Effective internal communication is essential for the success of any organization. It ensures that employees are informed, engaged, and aligned with the company's goals and values. However, many organizations struggle with internal communication, which can lead to misunderstandings, low morale, and decreased productivity. This blog will explore 20 internal communication statistics that will shock you and highlight the importance of effective internal communication.

Lack of engagement, collaboration & communication

1. Only 13% of employees feel engaged at work. (Gallup)

2. 86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures. (Salesforce)

60% of employees say they don't know the company's goals, strategies, or tactics. (Gallup)

39% of employees believe that their employers don't listen to their ideas. (Dynamic Signal)

5. Companies with effective communication practices are 50% more likely to report lower employee turnover. (Gallup)

Lack of direction and feedback dialogue

6. 74% of employees feel that they are missing out on company news and information. (Trade Press Services)

7. 57% of employees report not being given clear directions. (Dynamic Signal)

8. 60% of employees want their employers to provide more opportunities to give feedback. (Dynamic Signal)

9. Only 40% of employees are aware of their company's values. (Dynamic Signal)

10. 72% of employees say that their employers don't provide enough information about company changes. (Dynamic Signal)

Increased productivity and impact of effective comms

11. Companies with effective communication practices see a 47% increase in shareholder returns over five years. (Gallup)

12. 70% of employees feel more engaged with their work when their employers share company news and updates. (Dynamic Signal)

13. 83% of employees say that communication with their immediate supervisor is important. (Dynamic Signal)

14. Companies with highly engaged employees outperform their peers by 147% in earnings per share. (Gallup)

15. Companies with highly engaged employees have 21% higher profitability. (Gallup)

The importance of company involvement & vision

16. 80% of employees want more frequent communication from their employers. (Dynamic Signal)

17. 75% of employees say that they would be more likely to stay with their current employer if they were more informed about company strategy. (Dynamic Signal)

18. 60% of employees feel more motivated when their employers provide regular updates on company performance. (Dynamic Signal)

19. 72% of employees say that their employers don't provide enough information about company changes. (Dynamic Signal)

20. 80% of employees feel more connected to their colleagues when their employers use social media for internal communication. (Dynamic Signal)

These statistics demonstrate the impact of poor internal communication on employee engagement, turnover, and business success. By understanding the importance of effective internal communication and investing in the right tools and practices, organizations can improve employee engagement, reduce turnover, and drive business success. When internal communication is lacking, employees may feel disconnected, demotivated, and unsure of their role in the organization. By investing in effective internal communication practices, organizations can improve employee engagement, reduce turnover, and drive business success.